Fat Loss, Fat Burning

Fat Loss, Fat Burning, how to burn fat


6 sure things for burning fat

By Tom Venuto
"Burn the Fat"

There are not many "sure things" in life. Almost every
worthwhile endeavor comes with a certain degree of risk
and no assurance of the outcome.

In the case of building your dream body and chiseling it down
into a lean machine, there's always some trial, error and
experimentation necessary, especially because each person's
genetics, body type and physiology are so unique.

But what if you could skip most of the trial and error by placing
your bets on "sure things" instead of guessing or gambling?

That would be great wouldn't it? Unfortunately, in the health
and fitness field, there appear to be fewer "sure things" than
anywhere else!

Fitness experts are notorious for having opinions and theories
that range from one extreme to another. Many competing fat loss
programs represent polar opposites, with high carb vs low carb
being the most common example.

Scientists often end their papers with, "more research is
needed" and they almost never stick their necks out and take
a strong stand, unless the evidence is air-tight and rock-solid.

But amidst all the chaos, confusion and conflicting advice of
the nutrition and fitness world, there are a small handful of
"SURE THINGS" and you're about to learn them all.

These are things that almost all the researchers and most of the
fitness and dietetic professionals agree on.

Of course, We will never get 100 percent consensus on the subjects of
exercise and nutrition, because there's always a lone dissenter
out there somewhere.

Even in the face of science, people sometimes believe weird
things. People also often believe in their dietary approaches
NOT for scientific reasons, but for environmental, spiritual
or humanitarian reasons.

Nevertheless, if we use science as our guide, then the
weight of the evidence is heavy enough that I will stick MY
neck out and recommend to just about everyone that these are
SURE THINGS, and that you can't go wrong by applying these
principles in your own program immediately...


One thing that virtually the entire scientific community agrees
on is that the law of energy balance is always with us. In order
to burn body fat, you must expend more calories than you consume.

This is known as having a "caloric deficit."

Although there are a few people who still claim that "calories
don't count," I will be as bold as to say that those people are
dead wrong.

PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY: There is a huge difference between saying
"you don't have to count calories" and "calories don't count."

Some diet programs are "ad libitum" in nature. This means they
do not advise calorie counting; they simply tell you what to eat
and what not to eat. You eat as you please, as long as you follow
the food restrictions provided.

What they usually don't tell you is that the eating restrictions
are the equivalent of having built-in automatic calorie control.
These programs do not refute the law of energy balance, they
confirm it.

When a diet program claims, "Eat as much as you want and still
lose weight", you are hearing a Big Fat Lie. Incidentally, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says it is illegal to make this
claim in advertisements and they can sue you if you do.

Many people still deny the law of calorie balance in the face of
scientific evidence.

For example, some of the old school low-carbers are notorious for
disputing the calorie balance equation, in favor of believing in
some type of "metabolic advantage" that comes from low carbs.
I.e., "eat X grams of carbs or less, and you can eat as much as
you want."

To them, I will quote the Amazing Randy and say, "Put up or shut up."
Lets see that theory tested out under calorie-controlled conditions
in a lab. I assure you, if you have a caloric maintenance level of
2000 calories a day and you eat 3000 calories a day of protein and
fat (no carbs) you WILL gain fat!

Perhaps it will be harder to consume that many calories in the
form of protein and fat as compared to sugar and protein and
fat, but if you manage to pull off that gastronomic feat, you
WILL gain weight nonetheless (and low carb writers might be
surprised at how much food some people can shovel down their
throats, even sans carbs!)

Fortunately, the low carb community today has some intelligent
voices speaking out, saying that low carb does not mean "unlimited
calories" and that low carb diets also require a caloric deficit;
they may simply make it easier to achieve that deficit, automatically
without counting calories.

While I am very much in favor of doing things "by the numbers,"
programs that tend to make you "automatically" eat less without
counting calories are not a bad thing at all. A spontaneous
reduction in caloric intake often occurs due to an appetite-
suppressive effect of certain diets, and or due to the selection
of low calorie-density foods which are highly satiating.

That said, no combination of foods, elimination of foods, or
arrangement of macronutrients will override the law of calorie
balance. To lose fat, you have to eat less than you burn, period.

Furthermore, you must be diligent about maintaining your
deficit, because:

(1) Energy balance is dynamic, and what is a deficit for you today,
may no longer be a significant deficit six months from now

(2) If your maintenance calories are 2000, and your intake is
1500 one day (a deficit) and 2500 the next (a surplus), you have
NOT achieved a caloric defict over the two day period - you are in
energy balance. Conveniently, most people seem to have some kind
of "selective amnesia" and they only remember the days they were
in a deficit! A consistent deficit over time is the key!

The sooner you drill this truth into your head and accept that
the cornerstone of fat loss is a caloric deficit, the sooner
you'll be able to think clearly about your nutritional choices
and the better you'll be able to judge everything you ever
read, see and hear about nutrition, for the rest of your life.

By the way, did you know that there are two corollaries to
the law of calorie balance, which almost no one teaches?

In my Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle program, I reveal these
little-known calorie corollaries (chapter 6) and I teach you
the exact, scientific formulas for calculating your ideal calorie
intake for burning the maximum amount of fat, without losing
muscle or slowing down your metabolism.

You can learn more by visiting:
Burn the Fat

Keep your eyes peeled for "SURE THING" #2, coming soon!
(subscribe to be notified: click here)

Your friend and coach

Tom Venuto, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
Burn the Fat


Blogger Health Watch Center said...

Very helpful and informative tips to burn fat...thank you for sharing and I would like to add one more to these awesome tips...

Sleep: Latest research has proved that sleep is the best fat burner. The person who don’t sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a day will surely gain weight. It is the simple and easy method which can be followed by all to burn their fat.

But, the research has also proved that the people who are over weight cannot get good sleep. In such case, you have to drink warm milk before going to sleep. It will help to get good sleep.

Some of us can prefer to take sleeping pills to attain nice sleep. It is not a good habit and it will lead to several sleeping disorders in future.

1:05 AM  

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