By Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE
Chief Fitness Pro
(read the previous part - click here)
I want you to perform the weight training workout in circuit fashion on two to three alternate days of the week. After completing the first exercise immediately go to the second exercise, the third, etc. Once you complete all the exercises, wait 30 seconds and repeat the circuit one more time. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions on all exercises. Strive for a quick, efficient and brisk workout.
On two to three other days of the week perform cardiovascular exercise for 30 sustained minutes. Remember, the weight-training workout is a circuit program so it will also make inroads into your cardiovascular system. This allows me to limit the amount of traditional cardio to two to three alternate days per week.
1. Chest: Chest Press

Starting Position:
Lie on a flat bench or flat on the floor with your spine in a neutral position. Hold a dumbbell or cans in each hand at chest level with your upper arm parallel to the floor and your elbows facing outward. Movement:
Contracting the chest muscles, press both arms upward above the chest until the arms are almost fully extended with a slight bend in the elbows. Slowly return to the starting position. Key Points:
Exhale while lifting the weights. Inhale while returning to the starting position. 2. Legs: Dumbbell Squat

Starting Position:
Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms hanging down at your sides and palms facing one another. Maintain a neutral spine and a slight bend in the knees throughout the exercise. Movement:
Lower your body by bending from your hips and knees stopping when your thighs are parallel with the floor. Contracting the quadriceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position. Key Points:
Exhale while returning to the starting position. Inhale while lowering your body. Do not let your knees ride over your toes (you should be able to see your feet at all times). It helps to find a marker on the wall to keep your eye on as you lift and lower, otherwise your head may tend to fall forward and your body will follow. Think about sitting back in a chair as you are lowering down. Push off with your heels as you return to the starting position. You may want to try this exercise without weights until you master the movement. It is a very effective exercise that involves most of the muscle groups of the lower body, but if done improperly can lead to injuries. 3. Butt -- Lying Gluteus Lift

Starting Position:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Place your arms at your sides for support. Movement:
Contracting the glutes, project your hips up toward the ceiling as you lift your buttocks off the floor. Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of your buttocks touching the floor. Key Points:
Exhale while lifting your buttocks. Inhale while returning to the starting position. 4. Shoulders: Dumbbell Two-Arm Lateral Raise

Starting Position:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms down at your sides and palms facing your legs. Movement:
Contracting the middle shoulder muscles, raise both arms out to the sides stopping when your arms are slightly higher than shoulder level. Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of the weights touching your body. Key Points:
Exhale while lifting the weights. Inhale while returning to the starting position. You may also perform this exercise from a seated position. 5. Back -- Dumbbell Reverse Lat Row

Starting Position:
Sit on a bench with your feet close together. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging down at your sides and palms facing one another. Bend your upper body so it is parallel with the floor. Movement:
Contracting the mid to lower back muscles, draw both arms toward your body and turn your wrists so that your palms are facing the ceiling. Keep your elbows tight against the body and stop when your arms are at chest level. Slowly return to the starting position. Key Points:
Exhale while lifting the weight. Inhale while returning to the starting position. 6. TRICEPS -- Triceps Extension

Starting Position:
Stand with a dumbbell in your right hand and your left hand on your hip. Press the weight over your head until your right arm is almost straight with a slight bend in the elbow at the top position. Do not allow the weight to touch your head or neck area. Movement:
Slowly bend your elbow, lowering the weight until your arm forms a 90-degree angle behind your head stopping before the weight touches your back. Contracting the triceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position. Key Points:
Exhale while returning to the starting position. Inhale while lowering the weight. After completing the set on the right side, repeat on the left side. This exercise is not to be performed with large dumbbells. The technique is more important than the weight. You can also perform this exercise while seated on a bench. 7. Biceps -- Dumbbell Alternating Biceps Curl

Starting Position:
Sit upright in a chair with your legs bent, feet forward and your head a natural extension of your spine. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the arms hanging down at your sides and palms facing your body. Keep your wrists straight throughout the exercise. Movement:
Contracting the biceps muscles, bend your right arm at the elbow while turning your wrist until your palm is facing the ceiling stopping when the weight is just short of touching your shoulder. Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of the elbow fully extending. Key Points:
Exhale as you lift the weight. Inhale while returning to the starting position. The upper arm should remain stationary throughout the exercise. 8. Abs -- Double Crunch

Starting Position:
Lie on the floor face up. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 45-degree angle with both feet on the floor. Your back should be comfortably relaxed on the floor. Place both hands behind your head. Movement:
Contracting your abdominals, raise your head and legs off the floor toward one another. Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of your shoulders and feet touching the floor. Key Points:
Exhale while rising up. Inhale while returning to the starting position. Keep your eyes on the ceiling to avoid pulling with your neck. Your hands should not be used to lift the head or assist in the movement. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
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A drug-free competitive bodybuilder and 2005 winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, Raphael Calzadilla is a veteran of the health-and-fitness industry. He specializes in a holistic approach to body transformation, nutrition programs and personal training. He earned his B.A. in communications from Southern Connecticut State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX. In addition, he successfully completed the RTS1 program based on biomechanics
Excellent workout! Try changing it up by substituting each exercise for a different one for the same muscle group. Example: walking lunges for the leg exercise, shoulder press instead of lat raises, tricept dip instead of the overhead press. Create two more workouts like the first one and do one of each 3 once a week to really stimulate all muscle fibers!
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