Fat Fighting Foods
by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Medical Researcher
In a recent California study, doctors discovered that eating half a grapefruit before meals helped patients reduce their insulin levels for 2 hours after eating. The patients who ate the grapefruit before meals lost 1.6kg on average, compared to 0.3kg lost by the patients who were not given the grapefruit, making grapefruit 433% more effective at burning fat compared with dieting alone.
Scientists gave one groups of overweight women a whole-wheat protein to eat, and compared results with another group following a standard low calorie diet. The group who ate the wheat protein lost an average of 5.5kgs during the experiment, while the group who ate the standard low calorie diet lost only 2.8kg, making wholewheat proteins 96% more effective for weight loss.
In a Brazilian study, overweight, non-smokers with high cholesterol were given either fruits or meal replacement cookies to eat three times a day. Both groups consumed exactly the same calories, with a diet consisting of 55% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 30% fat. The group that ate the fruit lost 1.22 kg but the meal replacement cookie group lost only 0.88 kg, making the fruit 38% more effective for burning fat.
For example, foods rich in chromium have the effect of maintaining blood sugar levels, which means less cravings, and a reduced desire to overeat. When you know what these foods are, you'll be able to incorporate them into a diet where you won't ever have to count calories, fats, or carbohydrates again.
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
- Fujioka K, Greenway F, Sheard J, Ying Y. The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: relationship to the metabolic syndrome. J Med Food. 2006 Spring;9(1):49-54.
- Fordyce-Baum MK, Langer LM, Mantero-Atienza E, Crass R, Beach RS. Use of an expanded-whole-wheat product in the reduction of body weight and serum lipids in obese females. Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jul;50(1):30-6.
- Conceicao de Oliveira M, Sichieri R, Sanchez Moura A. Weight loss associated with a daily intake of three apples or three pears among overweight women. Nutrition. 2003 Mar;19(3):253-6.
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