Fat Loss, Fat Burning

Fat Loss, Fat Burning, how to burn fat


Caffeine and Aspirin for Fat Burning

Caffeine and Aspirin

by Tanya Zilberter, PhD

The combination of the three components of the ECA stack, when taken in proper dosages, are said to promote weight-loss, boost energy and enhance athletic performance. The key component, ephedrine, found in the ephedra plant, is a central nervous system stimulant. Ephedrine is the active ingredientofherbal supplements Ma Huang and "Herbal Phen-fen."

Caffeine is included in the ECA stack to prevent an inevitable decrease in metabolic rate that usually occurs as the body tries to slip back to the comfortable energy-saving mode (European J. of Applied Physiology 77(5):427-33, 1998). Caffeine acts on the cellular level, blocking the production of enzymes that are responsible for energy conservation.As a result, epinephrine continues to act to promote heat production and fat burning.


Aspirin also helps to counterpart the body's attempt to return to the energy-saving state by fighting the inhibitors of metabolism prostaglandins much the same way it does to reduce a fever. It is important to note,however,that this particular effect of aspirin doesn't seem to work for non-obese people, making it useless for bodybuilders.

Even without aspirin, the "EC" part of the formula proved as efficient as the prescription diet drug dexfenfluramine.(International Journal onObesity & Related Metabolic Disorders, 1994, 18: 99-103)

What Is the Correct Dosage?

It is the most important to keep the ephedrine dose both efficient and safe. It's usually recommended taking 20 mg of ephedrine or an herbal equivalent. The caffeine dose is usually 10-times higher and the aspirindose is only four-times higher. The simplified formula is:


The advise is to start with one morning dose for several days, to overcome the initial discomfort, and then add a mid-day dose for several days tosee how it works. If it is not enough, the third dose is added, notlater than five hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

To avoid increasing the ephedrine dose (if the recommended 20 mg do not work), dieters should consider adding the supplement amino acid L-tyrosine. The synergistic relationship of L- tyrosine with ephedrine has been researched in rats ( 6) and it is a textbook fact that L-tyrosinehelps in the thyroid hormones production.


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