Fat Loss, Fat Burning

Fat Loss, Fat Burning, how to burn fat


Fat Fighting Herbs And Spices

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • The condiment that speeds up the metabolism - it breaks down fatty deposits all over the body and contains a substance that soaks up fats and cholesterol. Take it before meals for best effects (page 234)
  • A sweet herb that helps metabolize fats, and purge the system of toxins. !t is also used in some European countries to sweeten the breath (page 236)
  • You must try this nutritional and medicinal herb - its thermogenic effect stimulates increased fat burning, it decreases the appetite throughout the day and tastes great! (page 238)
  • A tasty spice that helps control insulin spikes, reducing the amount of fat stored by the body. Best of all, it's a natural sweetener (page 240)
  • An exotic, yet easy to find spice that improves the digestion and metabolism of fats, while helping your body assimilate the nutrients in your food (page 249)
  • How to relieve intestinal gas, excessive burping and flatulence with tis herb. It improves the digestive process, so you don't bloat after meals (page 255)
  • The superfood that contains oils which break down fat clumps and eliminate them from the system. This food goes great with most savory dishes and it keeps for up to 6 months! (page 256)
  • A detoxification herb that forces the body's tissues to use more energy, which burns more fat. It's also powerful for detoxifying the body, and has antibacterial qualities (page 258)
  • The natural sweetener with no calories, no fat and no glycemic index, yet its 30 times sweeter than sugar... and its good for your teeth!!! (page 262)


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