Fat Loss, Fat Burning

Fat Loss, Fat Burning, how to burn fat


Magic metabolism for quick weight loss

Metabolism Boosters

Think you can magically boost your metabolism for some quick weight loss? Think again. You don't need quick fixes because metabolism boosters are part of your daily health and fitness regimen.

Metabolic boostersby Jennifer May, M.S., R.D., M.S.

Metabolism helps you to burn fat. It is the actual rate that you burn calories everyday. As a person ages, the metabolic rate declines, and that is what makes it more difficult to burn body fat even with workouts and diets.

Lately the idea of boosting metabolism has become very popular among companies promoting a variety of drinks, powders, potions and secret methods. The only problem with these is that very few are effective.

But all is not lost. You can actually increase your metabolism through exercise and fat-burning nutrition.

One of the best ways to boost metabolism up to 10 percent is with strength training. Strength training three days a week and taking days off in between is optimum. For best results, do total body workouts each day, picking one lower and one upper body pushing exercise, finishing off with an upper body pulling exercise.

Another fitness metabolism booster is interval training, which is proven more effective than regular cardio. Interval training is doing short rounds of hard then easy exercise in succession. This should be repeated at least six times during a workout. It could be power walking at hi-speed for one minute, then walking slowly for one minute, six times. Research shows that cardio workouts work while you are exercising, but interval training revs up your metabolism for fat-burning after you finish your workout!

What about nutrition? Many people believe that eating breakfast boosts your metabolism. This has never been proven conclusively, although studies show that eating breakfast is definitely associated with weight loss. It is also suggested that people who eat breakfast have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off. A breakfast that includes protein, fiber and fruit will help you to feel full until your next meal.

Can eating more than three meals help boost metabolism? The answer is yes. Eating six smaller meals throughout the day can actually boost metabolism, can help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels and keep you feeling alert. If you keep meals small and eat every few hours, your body will burn fat faster!

What about the fakes? One is fat-burner pills. These pills rev you up, but not your metabolism because they contain mostly caffeine. Another is ice-water with lemon juice-it doesn't work! Green tea is another matter. It may help with weight loss over a short period, but once the body gets used to it, it does nothing to burn fat.

In short, beware of the great claims and stick to the known metabolism boosters-good, healthy nutrition and a well-planned workout program. These will not only help you burn fat, they will keep you healthy and well.

Jennifer May, M.S., R.D., M.S. is the Manager of Nutrition Services for DietWatchDietWatch. Jennifer holds two master's degrees from Indiana University, one in nutrition science and one in exercise physiology. Jennifer has taught nutrition and biology at the university level, and has provided nutrition and fitness counseling and coaching for individuals, medical facilities, health organizations, and schools. She has produced educational materials and has appeared frequently on radio and television.


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