Fat Loss, Fat Burning

Fat Loss, Fat Burning, how to burn fat


Sure things for fat loss, part 3: The Omega-3's

Tom Venuto
Burn the Fat.com

Writing a series of lessons on "sure things" for fat loss is not as easy as you'd think.
There are so many opinions about the "right way" to eat for getting leaner, that getting
all the experts to agree on anything occurs about as often as Haley's comet flies by.

Even the subject of dietary fat is hugely controversial. Just try
mentioning "saturated fat is bad for you" in a nutrition forum these days and you'll see
exactly what I mean.

But when it comes to one particular type of fat, the vote is virtually unanimous:
Omega-3 fatty acids are sure things for
your health. Even better: Scientists are beginning to uncover the important roles they
play in the fat burning process as well.

Omega-3 fatty acids are labeled "essential" because your body can't manufacture them, so
you must get them from the food you eat (much like certain amino acids, vitamins and

Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from plant or animal sources.

The richest animal source of omega-3 is fatty fish such as salmon,
mackerel, albacore tuna, rainbow trout, sardines or herring.

The fat in fish contains two important long-chain polyunsaturated
omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These
appear to be the major players responsible for the biological activity in fish oil that
produces the long list of benefits.

The richest plant sources of omega-3 fats are flaxseeds or flaxseed oil. Flaxseed
contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which your
body can convert into DHA and EPA.

The list of potential health benefits from eating these "good fats" is so long, that if
you couldn't look up the scientific references to confirm them for yourself, you would
swear I was just pulling your leg.

Peer-reviewed research has been published on fish oil and omega-3 fats
for the treatment, management or prevention of ALL these conditions:

cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, cardiac
arrhythmias, inflammatory diseases, joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney disease,
prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, crohn's disease, ulcerative
colitis, Alzheimer's, asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
sickle cell anemia, glaucoma, lupus, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, cirrhosis,
epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, menstrual symptoms, psoriasis, diabetes, insulin
resistance, migraines, response to stress, bipolar disorder, depression, psychological
disorders, and metabolic syndrome. Okay, so omega 3 fats are healthy stuff, we can all
agree on that!

Here's why I also suggest that omega-3 fats should be added to the
list of "sure things for fat loss":

At least a half a dozen human studies and more than two dozen animal studies in the last
10 years suggest that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may help you burn more fat or
at the very least that
they play an important role in the fat burning process, or that
a deficiency could inhibit fat burning. Some studies found that omega 3 fats may function
as fuel partitioners
and increase fat oxidation. This means that omega-3's shift glucose toward glycogen
storage and direct fatty acids away from body fat
formation and toward fatty acid oxidation.

Omega-3 fatty acids also enhance the expression of the Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) gene
in skeletal muscle. Scientists say that this
may indirectly increase energy expenditure by dissipating calories as heat. Other
potential mechanisms include increased sensitivity to the
"anti starvation hormone" leptin, decreased insulin, reduced
fat cell proliferation and improved cell membrane fluidity. It's an exciting area of
research and a highly publicized one as well.

If you pay attention to the news or read any fitness or nutrition
literature, you probably already know about the benefits of omega-3 fats - it's no secret

What's shocking is the fact that most people are still deficient
in omega-3 fats, according to the latest statistics.

As with that other "super food" - vegetables - most people seem to know that they
"should" be eating more healthy fats, but they still don't do it. This gap between
knowing what to do and actually doing it is a real problem, when it's so easy to take
advantage of the benefits
of this incredible "power nutrient."

Here are 7 tips that can accommodate both vegetarians and fish eaters alike:

1) eat fatty fish at least twice per week and even daily
if practical and economical for you. If not, you could supplement with fish oil (2-3
grams of combined DHA/EPA daily)

2) Omega 6 fatty acids are also essential, but most people
have an unbalanced omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. This can be
remedied by increasing the omega 3 consumption and or
reducing the omega 6 consumption (by decreasing intake of
processed foods, refined grains, and supermarket cooking
oils, with the exception of extra virgin olive oil)

3) grind up flaxseeds and sprinkle them on salads or add
them to oatmeal, protein shakes or morning cereals. Alternately, supplement with flaxseed
oil; 1 tbsp is equivalent to 3 tbsp flaxseeds (use as a supplement; Not for cooking)

4) snack on walnuts, which contain modest amounts of omega 3 fats

5) increase your consumption of leafy greens which
contain small amounts of omega 3 fats.

6) if you eat red meat, try game meats or grass fed
beef or bison. they dont have nearly the quantity
of omega-3 as marine sources, but they are higher in
omega-3 and have a better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio than conventionally raised and fed

7) Try omega-3 fortified eggs instead of regular eggs.

See how easy it is to get more omega-3? With all the health benefits stacked on top of
the potential
fat loss benefits, you simply can't go wrong by making this one change to your diet
program - eat more omega 3...
it's a sure thing!

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified strength and conditioning specialist
(CSCS) and a certified personal trainer (CPT). Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed
The Muscle," which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using methods
of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat
and increase your metabolism naturally by visiting: Burn the Fat.com


Fat Fighting Fruits

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • The fruit that curbs cravings and contains a substance that grabs onto toxins and helps flush them out of your system (page 12)
  • A delicious Fat Fighting Food that contains ARGININE that controls obesity (page 18)
  • The often forgotten fruit which provides the same amount of calcium as half a cup of milk, and contains an important vitamin for increasing the metabolic rate (page 26)
  • Discover how to flush out cholesterol with this mouth-watering, satisfying food... best of all you can create popsicles (ice lollies) out of it! (page 28)
  • The tangy food that contains an amino acid which breaks down dietary fats and proteins more efficiently (page 32)
  • The juice you can pour over vegetables (instead of butter), that converts fat into energy and detoxifies the liver (page 36)
  • The fat-free food that cleanses your digestive tract, nourishes your endocrine system and contains 13 times more Vitamin C than oranges... but with less calories!
  • The sweet, juicy fruit that helps your body metabolize both sugars and fats (page 47)
  • How to take critical fat-burning enzymes in the form of a delicious, energizing fruit (page 51)
  • An amazing, easy to find food that cleanses your bowels and kidneys. It also contains a wonderful nutrient that helps your body to metabolize proteins and carbohydrates (page 53)
  • The food that contains 16 essential nutrients, detoxifies the blood and fights water retention... best of all, it contains only 25 calories per serving! (page 59)
  • Discover how to replace unfriendly bacteria with beneficial bacteria, and detox body fat with this vegetable (page 64)
  • A superfood that fights disease, balances blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol (page 66)
  • The natural vegetable digestive aid that beats sugar cravings, aids the digestion calms nervous tension, beats insomnia and fights disease (page 68)
  • How to increase your body's production of fat-fighting enzymes with this common vegetable. You can eat it raw or cooked - it's that versatile (page 70)
  • The simple vegetable that's used in Chinese Medicine to lower blood pressure, detoxifies your body and fights water retention (page 76)
  • A vegetable that's low in calories but high in fat-fighting omega-3 fatty acids. It stimulates the metabolism, gets rid of cholesterol and makes you feel full quickly (page 83)
  • The small but powerful vegetable that speeds the metabolism, burns fat and stabilizes sugar cravings. It contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits and more vitamin A than carrots (page 86)
  • An easy to find vegetable that helps you build lean muscle tissue (which increases your basal metabolic rate) while producing an amino acid that boosts your metabolism of sugar and fats (page 94)
  • Do you suffer from constipation? This little green vegetable helps your bowel movements, and blocks your body from absorbing excess sugars (page 97)
    The crunchy, low-fat food that helps dissolve fat present in cells, stimulates the metabolism (page 103)
  • You're going to love this superfood - it contains a vitamins that helps you convert proteins, fats, and carbs into energy, while detoxifying your liver and blood, helping you stay thin for longer! (page 109)
  • The detoxification vegetable that's great for breakfast and diminishes sugar cravings throughout the day (page 115)
  • Imagine being able to eat as much of a delicious and nutritious food as you like, without putting on weight. This amazing vegetable also helps you absorb the nutrients of other foods! (page 119)

Fat Fighting Herbs And Spices

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • The condiment that speeds up the metabolism - it breaks down fatty deposits all over the body and contains a substance that soaks up fats and cholesterol. Take it before meals for best effects (page 234)
  • A sweet herb that helps metabolize fats, and purge the system of toxins. !t is also used in some European countries to sweeten the breath (page 236)
  • You must try this nutritional and medicinal herb - its thermogenic effect stimulates increased fat burning, it decreases the appetite throughout the day and tastes great! (page 238)
  • A tasty spice that helps control insulin spikes, reducing the amount of fat stored by the body. Best of all, it's a natural sweetener (page 240)
  • An exotic, yet easy to find spice that improves the digestion and metabolism of fats, while helping your body assimilate the nutrients in your food (page 249)
  • How to relieve intestinal gas, excessive burping and flatulence with tis herb. It improves the digestive process, so you don't bloat after meals (page 255)
  • The superfood that contains oils which break down fat clumps and eliminate them from the system. This food goes great with most savory dishes and it keeps for up to 6 months! (page 256)
  • A detoxification herb that forces the body's tissues to use more energy, which burns more fat. It's also powerful for detoxifying the body, and has antibacterial qualities (page 258)
  • The natural sweetener with no calories, no fat and no glycemic index, yet its 30 times sweeter than sugar... and its good for your teeth!!! (page 262)

Fat Fighting Fats

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • An extremely delicious, satisfying food that slows down the aging process, lowers cholesterol, fights bloating and is easily burned for energy! (page 197)
  • The amazing fat that's just as tasty as butter, but boosts your metabolism, supports your thyroid and promotes healthy skin. You can even make a mayonnaise out of it! (page 201)
  • Try this food that cleans your colon, regulates hormones, improves your mood and beats stress. It increases your energy stamina and vitality while helping you lose weight (page 204)
  • You have got to eat these nuts. Not only can you feel full on a small amount, but they contain a chemical which makes you want to eat less all day (page 206)
  • A nut that you can eat without putting on weight, it also increases your energy level and combats fatigue (page 212)
  • Sleeping problems? Here's a tasty snack food that contains melatonin to help you sleep. It also helps increase serotonin levels, which boosts your mood and promotes wellbeing (page 215)
  • Two foods you can eat with Italian food that are light in calories, contain no cholesterol and help your body eliminate toxins (page 218)
  • Another great ingredient for making Italian food that regulates your appetite, making you feel full and satisfied while eating less. Best of all, it keeps your skin looking young! (page 223)
  • An oil you can use to make great tasting dips, or stirfrys that helps break down fats, prevents fat build-up in your arteries and helps with digestion and detoxification (page 227)
  • Get rid of abdominal fat, increase muscle tissue and prevent overeating with this nutty tasting seed (page 231)

Fat Fighting Proteins

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • A thermogenic protein which stimulates lean muscle growth and is vital for optimal fat burning. It eliminates hunger pangs and even has an anti-aging effect (page 169)
  • The appetite suppressant that improves the digestion, manages blood sugar levels while helping you lose weight (page 172)
  • A natural probiotic food that lowers cholesterol and contains a substance that boosts your metabolism and reduces the appetite (page 175)
  • Eat this wonderful breakfast food and energize your body, regulate your blood sugar while releasing blood fat levels (page 177)
  • An easy to digest carbohydrate that contains all the essential amino acids. It helps the body convert fat into energy, balances the hormones while gently detoxing the body (page 181)
  • The fiber-rich food that fills you up, breaks down cholesterol, fights fatigue and reduces carbohydrate cravings (page 186)
  • How to speed up your metabolism while eating bread. this particular carbohydrate also reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes (page 188)
  • The yummy anti-diabetic food that tantalizes your tastebuds while protecting you from disease (page 191)
  • The rice that helps rebuild muscle after exercise, gives you an energy boost and helps you convert metabolize fat s into energy... and no, it's not brown rice! (page 194)

Fat Fighting Vegetables

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher
Fat fighting foods
Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices
  • The single most important food a vegetarian must eat to get all their protein. It helps your body produce more energy, and fill you up on less calories than meat (page 123)
  • A CLA-rich protein that helps decrease body fat and increase lean muscle tissue. We show you how to select the lowest fat (and healthiest) version of this protein! (page 127)
  • You have got to try this high protein, low fat beef replacement - its rich in fatty acids that increase the metabolism. Best of all, it cooks very quickly (page 130)
  • The thyroid-boosting protein that contains vitamins essential for converting fats and carbs into energy, and regulates blood sugar levels too (page 132)
  • How to select, prepare and lose weight eating this energy-boosting protein... only 68 calories per serving! (page 137)
  • An extremely satisfying (and delicious) protein that helps build lean muscle mass, increase the energy levels and keeps the thyroid healthy. Best of all, they help the body flush out fats accumulated from other foods (page 142)
  • A gourmet food that was scientifically proven to reduce blood fat levels by 13%, and cholesterol levels by 7%. It also reduces food cravings (page 147)
  • A detoxifying protein that increases energy levels and provides a slow-burning fuel which helps you stay active for longer (page 154)
  • The best food source of thiamin - this is the nutrient required for the body to metabolize carbohydrates. (page 156)
  • Another alternative to beef, which contains just 175 calories per serving, but is extremely delicious with mustard (page 159)
  • Would you like to have the benefits of meat but with less calories and virtually no fat? Try this amazing, yet versatile protein (page 165)

Fat Fighting Foods

by Shola Oslo
Medical Researcher

In a recent California study, doctors discovered that eating half a grapefruit before meals helped patients reduce their insulin levels for 2 hours after eating. The patients who ate the grapefruit before meals lost 1.6kg on average, compared to 0.3kg lost by the patients who were not given the grapefruit, making grapefruit 433% more effective at burning fat compared with dieting alone.

Scientists gave one groups of overweight women a whole-wheat protein to eat, and compared results with another group following a standard low calorie diet. The group who ate the wheat protein lost an average of 5.5kgs during the experiment, while the group who ate the standard low calorie diet lost only 2.8kg, making wholewheat proteins 96% more effective for weight loss.

In a Brazilian study, overweight, non-smokers with high cholesterol were given either fruits or meal replacement cookies to eat three times a day. Both groups consumed exactly the same calories, with a diet consisting of 55% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 30% fat. The group that ate the fruit lost 1.22 kg but the meal replacement cookie group lost only 0.88 kg, making the fruit 38% more effective for burning fat.

Simply adding one of these foods to your regular diet (and of course cutting out all the junk) will instantly boost your weight loss.

Substituting several of these foods for the foods you regularly eat will have a significant effect on the amount of weight you lose. But don't take my word for it, take a look at what others have to say:

Why Do These Fat Fighting Foods Work?
Every single one of these foods can help you lose more weight. They have either been directly scientifically proven to aid weight loss (such as grapefruit) or are rich in specific nutrients that stimulate thermogenisis (fat burning).

For example, foods rich in chromium have the effect of maintaining blood sugar levels, which means less cravings, and a reduced desire to overeat. When you know what these foods are, you'll be able to incorporate them into a diet where you won't ever have to count calories, fats, or carbohydrates again.
What youll discover when you order the Fat Fighting Foods ebook will astound you.


Fat fighting fruits
Fa fighting vegetables
Fat fighting proteins
Fat fighting fats
Fat fighting herbs and spices

  1. Fujioka K, Greenway F, Sheard J, Ying Y. The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: relationship to the metabolic syndrome. J Med Food. 2006 Spring;9(1):49-54.
  2. Fordyce-Baum MK, Langer LM, Mantero-Atienza E, Crass R, Beach RS. Use of an expanded-whole-wheat product in the reduction of body weight and serum lipids in obese females. Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jul;50(1):30-6.
  3. Conceicao de Oliveira M, Sichieri R, Sanchez Moura A. Weight loss associated with a daily intake of three apples or three pears among overweight women. Nutrition. 2003 Mar;19(3):253-6.


The 'skinny fat' disguise

Rob Poulos
Zero to Hero Fitness

This is a very common problem...in fact I just received another
question from one of my readers about this:

Hi Rob,

Your recent article was quite interesting but I do have a
problem with my body. I do exercise but my body is not that
firm and toned,it really irritates me when someone pokes my bum
...all they do is laugh and say my body is like jelly. This is
mostly from my abdomen to my knees. What effective exercise can
I do to tone my bum, and my thighs?

Okay, this is an easy one, really. When someone tells me they
workout and exercise but are not firmed or toned, it is usually
because they are doing the wrong type of exercise. (Usually some
form of traditional aerobic or cardio exercise).

To get that firm feeling and toned look, you must add lean
muscle to your body, and you must burn off the body fat layer on
top of that muscle.

The best way to do this is to use an intense form of resistance
training, forcing your body to adapt quickly by adding muscle
mass, strength, and stripping away body fat.

Further more, use a full body workout including several
exercises that work your entire musculature (make sure to
include the squat, which is the best bum and thigh toner in
existence). Work each of them slowly and safely but hard, to
the point where you cannot continue despite your greatest

If you do this right you'll be in an out of the gym in 15-25
minutes or so. And you won't have to (and won't want to) come
back for another 2-3 days.

Let's also address the fact that this reader also is most
concerned with the area between her stomach and her thighs. Of
course a typical problem area for women due to genetics and
thousands of years of evolution.

These spot reducing concerns have an almost mystical aura
surrounding them for some people...I sometimes think they wonder
to themselves, "What is this magical force that makes all of my
fat land in my belly or my butt or thighs?".

Well, as I've said before, the only way to reduce fat from your
problem areas is by reducing your overal body fat percentage.
Fat comes off uniformly, not in specific areas...that is a fact.

Focusing on whole body fat loss is the ticket...and keeping your
eye on that body fat percentage will result in fat loss all over
your body, including the problem areas.

There's really nothing mystical or magical about it, but when
you put these ideas into practice consistently, for a few weeks,
it starts to feel like it. And soon enough it starts to look
like it as you've just made your 'skinny fat' disguise

By the way, if you haven't yet read my Fat Burning Furnace
eBook, you need to go and do that right now.

I lost over 40 pounds of fat, totally reshaped my body, boosted
my energy and health immensely...and I did in just a few months
with workouts that last just 15-20 minutes performed 2-3 times
each week. It took me years to learn all of the secrets I
use...but you can download my eBook right now and
discover them for yourself in just a few minutes here:

Fat Burning Furnace

Here's to getting lean, strong, and healthy for life,
Rob Poulos
Zero to Hero Fitness


Fat-Melting Holiday Workout

Save a little time and shed a few pounds!
The holidays are just around the corner, and you're ready to whoop it up. But everything has a price and you're probably not looking forward to seeing the result of your celebration: Extra blubber on January 1. Relax… and read on. We've got your red-hot holiday season workout.

By Raphael Calzadilla, BA, CPT, ACE
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro

The holidays are racing in and you’re genuinely excited to whoop it up. But everything has a price and you’re probably not looking forward to seeing the result of your celebration -- added blubber attached to your body on January 1.

Reducing calories around the holidays should be outlawed. You should be able to enjoy great holiday food (within reason, of course) and celebrate the season without creating a self-loathing feeling at the start of 2008.

But what do you do when your holiday schedule is filled to the brim?

You need a simple answer to blast fat away but one that won’t soak up a lot of your time.

I’ve created a two-day per week interval cardio program designed for someone with at least three months of consistent exercise experience.

Interval training is best described as incorporating higher intensity exercise with lower intensity (i.e. walking and running intervals). The goal is to perform smaller yet manageable bouts of all-out effort with brief periods of low to moderate recovery. This method really cranks up the metabolism and helps to burn loads of fat.

The beauty of interval training is that you don’t have to exercise for long periods. Unless you’re training for a competitive event, anything more than 30 to 35 minutes is unnecessary and that includes warm up and cool down.

I’ve been getting lots of requests for an elliptical machine interval program so I designed a workout for this very popular machine.

I recommend performing the routine two days per week with at least one to two days spaced between workouts. I’m not suggesting that you only workout twice per week all year long. My intention is to provide an effective cardio routine for the holiday season so you don’t turn into a Pillsbury doughboy look-alike.

Elliptical Interval Workout
Begin with a warm up of five minutes at level 3.0 intensity.

For three minutes begin moving quickly into your first interval by increasing your strides to between 140 and 160 (strides per minute on your machine). Your resistance should be at level 6 and your pace should be brisk. Your ramp level should be in a neutral position.

Minutes 3-5: Slow your pace. Change the strides per minute to approximately 120 to 130 and decrease the resistance to 3 or just go at a nice easy pace.

Minutes 6-8: Begin moving quickly. Increase your strides per minute to between 140 and 160. Resistance should be at level 7. Your pace should feel very intense. Make sure to remain in an upright position and don’t bend forward due to the level of difficulty. If it is too difficult, simply reduce intensity but remain in an upright position.

Minutes 9-11: Slow your pace to 120 to 130 and decrease resistance level to 4.

Minutes 12-14: Increase your strides to between 150 and 160 strides per minute. Resistance should be at level 7. Your pace should feel very intense. Pick up your intensity as you get into minute 13 to 14.

Minutes 15-17: Slow your pace and reduce strides to 120. Decrease resistance to level 3 to 4. View your heart rate monitor feature as you enter the last minute -- Your goal is to be between 70 percent and 85 percent of your target heart rate.

Minutes 18-20: Increase your intensity to 150 to 160. Resistance should be at level 8 to 9. Consciously pick up the speed very, very fast.

Minutes 21-23: Slow your pace. Change the strides per minute to range between 120 and 130 and decrease resistance to 3.

Minutes 24-26: Increase your strides per minute to 160 to 170. Resistance should be at level 8. Your pace should be extremely fast. In fact, go as fast as possible.

Minutes 27-32: cool down at a pace between 120 and 130. Decrease resistance to 3.

The workout is designed as a starting point. Listen to your body and increase or decrease intensity as needed based on your fitness level.

If you’re an advanced exerciser and have never tried interval training, you’re in for a totally new experience. For approximately 3 to 4 hours after the workout, you’ll feel like you were given a shot of adrenaline. And as the day progresses, you may feel a bit lethargic if you aren’t taking in quality calories. Also, make sure you consume a protein/carbohydrate shake or whole-food meal within one hour after the session. You’re going to need it at that time to prevent a feeling of tiredness.

Warm-ups and natural progression are vital to prevent injury. As you progress and feel more comfortable, you can add another level or two of intensity. However, in most cases your workout never needs to exceed a total of 30 to 35 minutes and two days per week is all you need during the holidays.

The beauty of this type of training is that you continue to burn calories the day after your workout. Most people are obsessed with how many calories are burned during a workout, but one of the keys to losing fat is making sure your body continues to burn lots of calories 24 to 48 hours after the workout.

With conventional cardio workouts your system returns to its base level extremely quick and adapts quite easily. The cardio respiratory system is not unlike any other muscle that you work with strength training. The key is to ask it to do just a little bit more than it is accustomed to doing -- in other words, to impose a new demand.

As always, your ultimate success in achieving your goals is based on effective exercise (weight training and cardio), following your nutrition plan and massive amounts of consistency. The formula never changes.

If you’re not afraid of intensity and looking for a workout that burns tons of calories and that won’t conflict with the holidays -- this is the workout for you.

Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

A drug-free competitive bodybuilder and 2005 winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, Raphael Calzadilla is a veteran of the health-and-fitness industry. He specializes in a holistic approach to body transformation, nutrition programs and personal training. He earned his B.A. in communications from Southern Connecticut State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX. In addition, he successfully completed the RTS1 program based on biomechanics