8 strength exercises for fat loss
By Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE
Chief Fitness Pro
(read the previous part - click here)
I want you to perform the weight training workout in circuit fashion on two to three alternate days of the week. After completing the first exercise immediately go to the second exercise, the third, etc. Once you complete all the exercises, wait 30 seconds and repeat the circuit one more time. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions on all exercises. Strive for a quick, efficient and brisk workout.
On two to three other days of the week perform cardiovascular exercise for 30 sustained minutes. Remember, the weight-training workout is a circuit program so it will also make inroads into your cardiovascular system. This allows me to limit the amount of traditional cardio to two to three alternate days per week.
1. Chest: Chest Press
Starting Position:
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2. Legs: Dumbbell Squat
Starting Position:
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3. Butt -- Lying Gluteus Lift
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4. Shoulders: Dumbbell Two-Arm Lateral Raise
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5. Back -- Dumbbell Reverse Lat Row
Starting Position:
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6. TRICEPS -- Triceps Extension
Starting Position:
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7. Biceps -- Dumbbell Alternating Biceps Curl
Starting Position:
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8. Abs -- Double Crunch
Starting Position:
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Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
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A drug-free competitive bodybuilder and 2005 winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, Raphael Calzadilla is a veteran of the health-and-fitness industry. He specializes in a holistic approach to body transformation, nutrition programs and personal training. He earned his B.A. in communications from Southern Connecticut State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX. In addition, he successfully completed the RTS1 program based on biomechanics